For Caregivers

How We Help

Being a caregiver for a loved one is an honor…it’s also really intense. Over half of us are in the role, many of us without even realizing. We’re “just a son” or “just a daughter” or even “just a neighbor” doing what anyone would do. But all those ways you’re “just helping out” - mowing the lawn, picking up meds and groceries, calling every night to check in? THAT is caregiving. Are you having an “aha” moment?

ARCHANGELS is here for all of it - from the realizing it's a job and one you can get credit for doing, to the understanding that there is intensity in that job that can be measured and supported.

Welcome, fellow Archangel. That intensity you're feeling? It's real, and you are not alone.


Caring for a loved one is a real job. The skills and responsibilities of being an Archangel should be included in our resumes, job history and social profiles.

If you are an Archangel looking for your next job or maybe even a promotion, ARCHANGELS Work can help you talk about your caregiving role in a clear and professional way.

Click here to checkout ARCHANGELS Work and tools to translate your caregiving experience into your professional work history.

And here’s a hot tip for those employers looking for their next great hire: Caregivers make allstar employees. Visit ARCHANGELS Work to learn more.

What's your Intensity Score?

Like any other job, there is intensity related to being an Archangel. Take a minute to check in on yourself and find out your Intensity Score. You’ll find out whether you are in the 'red,' 'yellow,' or 'clear' and, if you’d like, get connected to trusted support.

Sharing your score and whether you are in the 'red,' 'yellow,' or 'clear' is an easy way to let others know how you are doing and builds a common language for recognizing when someone could use a lift.

Caregiver Resources

At ARCHANGELS, we know you don’t have free time to search for things to solve caregiving challenges. We also get how maddening it can be to find a resource, only to discover it doesn’t provide the help you really need. Here’s a list of resources that we’ve compiled so you don’t have to do the digging and can hopefully make the good things ‘good-er’ and the bad things better.

Quick Tips from other Archangels

Have any brilliant hacks for caregiving challenges you’ve solved, a great caregiver resource, or strategies you use to keep going? Pay it forward and let our community of Archangels know what you’ve discovered.

Because time is always in short supply, we’ve made it quick and easy to share.

Share with Others

Sharing your score and whether you are "in the red" "yellow" or "green" is an easy way to let others know how you are doing and builds a common language for recognizing when someone could use a lift.

Know anyone else in this role? Click the button below to share an email with a friend.

Do you know other Archangels who are looking for a job or want a promotion? Let ‘em know about ARCHANGELS by sharing the website with them using the link or on social media
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